Intermittent fasting can be an excellent tool for achieving lifelong health and wellness. There’s no one-size-fits all regimen; in fact, there are several approaches you can take to incorporate fasting into your routine.
But we get it. Sometimes it can be overwhelming trying to figure out the right timing for a healthy fast, working out and eventually fueling your body with nutritious food. And you’re busy!
The good news is, adding just a few days of intermittent fasting* can be every bit as beneficial as daily fasting. Check out some of the benefits in our article here.
Simple Strategies to Try
With fasting, you sit in the driver’s seat. This is your personal wellness journey and only you know what works for your body and that hectic schedule of yours. We encourage you to try different fasting schedules before deciding on one approach.
Here are two options to consider:
- For a longer, more productive fast: Begin a 20-hour fast on Saturday or Sunday at about 8 p.m. so that half your fast can take place while you’re sleeping! The longer you fast, the more health benefits you reap, including true autophagy, which is cell cleanup and repair.
- For daily fasting: Aim for a 12- to 14-hour fast (again, stop eating at 8 p.m. and resume between 8 a.m. and 10 a.m.) or skip breakfast. For some, it’s easier to stick with this pattern, since it becomes a daily routine.
While fasting, try supplementing with Fuel 4 Ever’s FAST formula to help replenish your body with nutrients like creatine, green tea extract, amino acids, and important minerals and electrolytes. Once you’ve concluded your fast, the best way to fuel up is with healthy high protein foods like a protein-packed shake or a low to medium carbohydrate/high protein meal. Carbs alone aren’t wise; a big intake of carbohydrates will consequently lead to a spike in insulin. Healthy glucose levels are the goal — think of small, rolling hills not wild fluctuations.
How to Stay Accountable
We all know accountability matters, especially when it comes to health and fitness goals. In order to stay motivated and on schedule, you might try:
Fasting apps: Check out recent fasting app reviews as posted on cleaneatingmag.com. With daily reminders and creative challenges, downloading one of these tools might be just what you need to stay on track with a busy schedule.
Fasting buddy: Get your spouse on board with fasting, or enlist a friend as an accountability coach, and embark on this new journey toward lifelong health together.
We know that when you’re busy and going with the motions, it’s just too hard to figure out how to add one more thing to your plate. But with fasting, it’s actually the opposite. Don’t add to your plate, subtract! You’ll find that with intermittent fasting, you end up with one less meal to plan and more free time in the morning! So it’s an excellent tool to add to your routine, and doesn’t take much to get started — just an ounce of dedication and focus.
*If you have any underlying medical conditions, please consult your doctor before trying any type of fasting program, including intermittent fasting.