Does MCT Oil Break Fast: Think of a spoonful of a miraculous liquid that would improve memory, curb appetite, and promote fat burning. Isn’t it too fantastic to be accurate, don’t you think? Some people think MCT oil can help you achieve that. A nutritional supplement called MCT oil is created from a specific lipid that your body can easily absorb and use as fuel. Some people, especially those fasting, think it will help them perform better and be healthier. 

In fasting, one refrains from eating for several hours or days. It could be perfect for your body and mind. But does using MCT oil in an intermittent fasting powder can promote fasting? Does it undermine the goal? Or does MCT oil break a fast? This article will examine the science behind fasting and MCT oil to see if they work well together.

What is MCT Oil?

MCT oil is a dietary fat from fractionating coconut or palm kernel oil. It includes medium-length fatty acid chains that are quickly metabolized by the body and easily absorbed, acting as a fast energy source. Due to the MCT oil’s possible health advantages, such as enhanced cognitive function, higher energy levels, and help with weight management, some take it to supplement their low-carb or ketogenic diets. People can add MCT oil to drinks, utilize it in recipes, or use it in the kitchen as part of their daily routines. However, due to its high-calorie content, MCT oil must be consumed in moderation as part of a healthy diet.

How Does MCT Oil Work During a Fast?

MCT oil has a unique ability to give the body energy during a fast. MCTs (medium-chain triglycerides), included in MCT oil, are quickly and easily absorbed by the body compared to other fats. The liver can swiftly turn MCT oil into ketones when ingested during fast.

Without glucose, the brain and body cells can utilize ketones as a source of energy. MCT oil helps to sustain energy levels during a fast while keeping muscle mass by delivering ketones. This can be extremely helpful when on a ketogenic diet or during prolonged fasts.

Additionally, the effects of MCT oil on insulin and blood sugar levels are negligible. Therefore, MCT oil use during a fast usually does not interfere with the fasting state or significantly increase insulin secretion.

While MCT oil can be a helpful supplement during a fast, it’s still crucial to speak with a doctor or trained dietitian before including it in your fasting regimen, especially if you have any underlying medical issues.

Does MCT Oil Break a Fast?

The effect of MCT oil on fasting depends on how you interpret “breaking a fast.” Since MCT oil is a source of calories and energy, using it while fasting counts as consuming calories. As opposed to other fats, MCT oil is metabolized differently and does not affect insulin and blood sugar levels.

MCT oil is regarded as “fasting-friendly” by many advocates of intermittent fasting since it doesn’t dramatically increase insulin levels or interfere with the fasting state. Ketones, which may be utilized as an energy source when fasting, are swiftly produced.

It’s crucial to remember that each person’s concept of a fast will differ depending on their fasting procedure. During some strict fasting, abstaining from all calorie intake, including MCT oil, may be necessary.

It’s advisable to stay away from MCT oil during your fast if your objective is autophagy (cellular repair) or full calorie restriction. However, if your primary concern is the metabolic advantages of fasting or you use a more flexible fasting strategy, using MCT oil may still enable you to take advantage of some of the advantages while supplying a source of energy.

Image shows two boxes of fasting supplement in watermelon flavour by fuel4ever

What are Benefits of MCT Oil When Taken During a Fast?

When used during a fast, MCT oil has several advantages:

  • Sustained Energy: During a fast, MCT oil is a rapid and accessible energy source. Its medium-chain fatty acids quickly transform into ketones, a quick fuel source for the body and brain to maintain energy levels.
  • Enhanced Ketone Production: MCT oil can increase the body’s production of ketones. Raising ketone levels facilitates the body’s shift into ketosis when fat is the body’s primary fuel source.
  • Appetite Control: Studies have shown that consuming MCT oil can increase feelings of fullness and satisfaction, reducing hunger cravings while fasting. This makes it an effective tool to simplify the recommended fasting approach.
  • Preserves Lean Muscle Mass: When fasting, the body may use muscle tissue for energy, but MCT oil can help preserve lean muscle mass by providing an energy source. This allows the body to burn stored fat as fuel instead.
  • Mental Clarity: The ketones created by MCT oil can improve mental acuity and cognitive function, promoting a focused and clear frame of mind when fasting.

It’s crucial to remember that everyone may react differently and will not experience MCT oil’s fasting advantages. Suppose you’re considering MCT oil for your fasting routine or health needs. In that case, conferring with a healthcare expert or registered dietitian is essential to determine if it fits you well.

How to Use MCT Oil While Fasting Intermittently?

It’s crucial to keep the following advice in mind when adding MCT oil to your intermittent fasting regimen:

  • Start with Tiny Amounts: Increase the dose of MCT oil gradually as your body adjusts by starting with a tiny amount, such as one teaspoon. Lower dosages can lessen the possibility of some people experiencing stomach pain.
  • Choose the Ideal Timing: MCT oil should be consumed during your meal window or before the fasting period starts. This enables your body to use the oil’s energy throughout the fast while remaining in the fasted condition.
  • Watch Your Calorie Intake: Although MCT oil might help you stay energized while fast, it contains calories. Consider altering other elements of your meals or snacks to make up for the extra calories from the oil while keeping your daily calorie consumption in mind.
  • Listen to Your Body: How your body reacts to MCT oil during fasting. If you feel any stomach pain or other side effects, reduce the dosage or get advice from a medical practitioner.


Does MCT oil break a fast? Since MCT oil quickly transforms to ketones, it may be used during a fast without severely interfering with the fasting state, according to several supporters. However, it’s best to refrain from ingesting MCT oil during fasting times if you follow strict autophagy or completely restrict your calorie intake. As for does lemon water break a fast? Lemon water is considered a fasting-friendly option as it typically contains minimal calories and negligible macronutrients, allowing the body to remain fasting while enjoying its potential health benefits and refreshing taste.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1. What is the best time to take MCT Oil while Intermittent fasting? 

Usually, as prescribed by most professionals, the best time to take MCT oil while intermittent fasting is in the morning. Still, consulting with a healthcare expert before taking MCT oil is recommended

Q2. How to use MCT Oil while intermittnet fasting 

Usually, the MCT is consumed to boost energy and satiety. So, adding 1 or 2 tablespoons of MCT to your morning tea or coffee works best. Consult with a healthcare expert for personalized advice.

Q3. Is it Okay to take MCT Oil everyday?

Yes, it is okay to take MCT Oil daily. One must start with a small dosage and increase gradually to avoid any discomfort. Still, consulting with a healthcare expert regarding daily intake of MCT oil is recommended. 

Q4. What is the best time to take MCT Oil?

Usually, as prescribed by most professionals, the best time to take MCT oil while intermittent fasting is in the morning. Still, consulting with a healthcare expert before taking MCT oil is recommended.

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